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Personal Narrative & Memoir Writing

Instructor: Mieke Eerkens

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April 10 - May 14

Every individual has a unique and valid story to tell. Artfully told memoirs and personal essays are more popular than ever among readers. In this creative nonfiction course, we will examine and record our unique life experiences through writing. People write personal narratives for a number of different reasons: as a form of creative expression, to create a permanent record for others, to examine emotions, to find communities of shared experience, and more.


Whatever our own personal motivation, this supportive class will provide us with a constructive environment to creatively explore our lives on the page while giving it cohesion and form. The focus will be on craft choices. How do we structure our personal narratives and make them engaging for a reader? In our weeks together, we will read short excerpts from inspiring literary memoirs and personal essays, respond to writing prompts, discuss effective personal narrative writing techniques, and receive helpful individual feedback. We’ll also discuss approaches to revision of the writing we create in the class and potential venues for personal narrative writing for those who are interested in publishing their work. Above all, we will be using this workshop as a space for exploration and discovery to send us excitedly on our way with tangible pages and a clear path for future development of our ideas. 


Tuition: $495. Limited partial scholarship for students with demonstrated need.
To enroll: Please fill out an enrollment form and submit payment HERE.

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