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Write a Book
For Teens 12-17

Instructor: Mieke Eerkens

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Teens, have you dreamed of writing a book, but you aren’t sure how to go about it? This five week course will help you on your way. In an organized weekly program using an online platform together with a group of other teen writers, we’ll help you get a structure down, turn in chapters, discuss effective tools for telling your story (whether a true story or fiction), and do writing exercises based on helpful prompts. You’ll get weekly instructor feedback and constructive critiques from peers in workshop, and we will check in via video chat once a week to address your questions and challenges, all in a fun, encouraging, low-pressure environment that encourages you to take creative risks and be yourself.


I created this course in response to multiple requests from creative teens and their parents who couldn’t quite find the right creative writing course for them. I can still remember my experience writing a book with a friend as a young person, and how much fun it was, and now as an adult who has written and published a book with a major publisher, I’d like to bring that enthusiasm together with the experience and education I now have, in a course that serves young writers. I’m looking forward to sharing my knowledge and tools with you, and hope you and your friends join us! And of course, don’t hesitate to email me with questions. Hope to see you soon!


Tuition: $495 (Limited scholarships available based on financial need.)


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